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Jesus mastered the discipline of study. He memorized the scriptures and quoted them throughout His time teaching. We must go to the source if we want to be changed by God's Word. The Bible is a living document revealing God's truth to us. It tells us the incredible story we find ourselves in and the entire narrative points to Jesus. If we want to understand this story and be an apprentice of Jesus, we need to learn what the scriptures say. If you don't have access to a Bible, excellent resources are available for free online and through your smart phone. We recommend both a written Bible and the digital versions. Our devices can be excellent tools for helping us dig into scripture. We do need to be aware how easy it is to become distracted by other activities on our devices which is why a printed version is also recommended. Another reason we like the printed version is it's good for your children or spouse, if you have a family, to see you reading the Bible as opposed to thinking you are back on your phone, tablet or computer again. 


Keeping this in mind, an excellent free resource is Bible put out by Life.Church also known as YouVersion. It offers most versions of the Bible in over 40 languages, has multiple reading plans, and the ability to push play and listen to the audio version. This is an excellent way to work your way through the Bible if you are reading for the first time or want to go through the Bible chronologically. Later on as we develop the discipline of meditating on God's Word, we will recommend slowing it down and taking time to reflect. 


If you are new to reading the Bible or would like a quick flyover here is a simple reading or listening plan to get you started. We recommend working your way through each book and then going on to the next one. Listening to these while you travel or have time in the car is an excellent way to get a feel for the cohesiveness of the beautiful story of Creation, Fall, Redemption and Restoration in the Bible.  




Isaiah 53 (written over 700 years before Jesus)

The Gospel According to John 

The Acts of the Apostles


Revelation 21-22



The Apostle Paul in Ephesians 1:17-18 

"I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better, I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in His holy people"

Additional Resources:

Timothy Keller introduces The New City Catechism

Recommended Study Bibles:

Available for free on the App Store and Google Play

Also available in printed form as well as a devotional with additional insights into each question and answer.

The New City Catechism


Recommended Children's Bibles:

© 2022

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